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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

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Bringing the funny

A few weeks back, "Weird Al" Yankovic released a couple of Blu-ray discs: Alpocalypse HD and "Weird Al" Yankovic Live! The Alpocalypse Tour.   "Weird Al's" last live DVD was released in 2000. Doesn't seem all that long ago...   Anyway... Alpocalypse HD is basically just the videos from his recent album, in HD. The only bonus material are three videos from his previous album (Straight Outta Lynwood) which were made too late to be included on that CD/DVD combo disc: White & Nerdy, Do I Cr

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

May I suggest a new holiday?

How about, "Buyers' Remorse Day"?   This would follow Black Friday, where people would look back at a day wasted chasing bargains at stores, having spent more than they ever intended to (or having not found anything they wanted), and realize they could have just bought everything online instead.   To wit, the Playstation 3 Bundle.   Wal-Mart (plus Target, Sears and possibly others) is offering up a PS3 bundle. This includes a PS3, Ratchet and Clank All 4 One, and Little Big Planet 2, all f

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Good riddance to bad rubbish... Flash in the pan

Adobe finally concedes that Flash is rubbish. At least on mobile devices. And that HTML5 is the way to go.   Funny. Where have we heard that before?   I've long been using ClickToFlash (and now ClickToPlugIn) on my Mac. I can't wait for the day when Flash dies its death on the desktop, too.

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Good riddance to bad rubbish... Bonus Round

Citibank.   Need I say more?   Well, I'll say a little more.   Several weeks ago, I got a letter from them, saying that my (formerly free) checking would now be incurring a $15/month fee.   Unless I kept a balance of $6000 in the account.   Six-grand.   In a non-interest-earning account.   Ummm.... no.   So I planned to bail on Citibank, and instead get a checking account through my credit union, which not only doesn't charge fees, but also pays interest.   Then a little while

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Siri-ous TV

Apple has been rumored to have been working on an Apple-branded TV for years. They've actually released several products along those lines, such as the Macintosh TV, the first Mac Mini-sized Apple TV, and the current super-tiny Apple TV (seriously, you have to see this thing in person to appreciate how small it is). None have really solved the "TV problem", however. All TV services and DVRs have some shortcomings, and some are downright annoying to use. While I generally like U-Verse, I'm beginn

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Good riddance to bad rubbish... Platinum Edition

I've ranted about Sallie Mae before.   I'd even mentioned how I had come to personify the company as some crotchety, cantankerous, vindictive old geezer, sitting on a rocking chair (next to her sister Fannie and her inbred idiot cousin Freddie) on the porch of an old house packed to the rafters with cash stolen from bankrupt college students, taking pot-shots at passersby with a shotgun, screaming, "Git away from mah MONEY!" BLAM!!   Something pretty-much like this:     That's Freddie i

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Bye, Steve

By now, probably the whole planet knows that Steve Jobs passed away today, at the entirely-too-young age of 56.   For the man who brought Apple back from the brink to turn it into one of the most powerful companies in the world, there was no miraculous turnaround for himself.   Obituaries describing his life are everywhere. This one is as good as any. It will be interesting to read his biography, when it comes out later.   What made Steve Jobs interesting to me though, was that he made pro

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

The Last Carfighter

Remember the movie, "The Last Starfighter"?   It's mostly notable for two things: being an early attempt at sort-of realistic CGI special effects, and being about video games. Otherwise, it's completely forgettable b-movie science fiction.   The premise was that there was an arcade game called "The Last Starfighter" which turned out to be a recruiting tool for actual starfighters. The game was a test of skill, and if you were good enough, an alien would come to earth, and haul you off to do

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Star Wars in HD

So yesterday finally brought the long-awaited return of Star Wars... in HD!       Yep, that's right! Season 4 of The Clone Wars debuted on Cartoon Network!     What?     You were expecting a write-up on some other "Star Wars in HD" event that took place Friday?   I can't imagine what that would be...   Anyway, season 4 started off with a two-parter, Water War and Gungan Attack. In the first episode, there was a war under water, and in the second one... well, I don't want to spoil

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

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