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Toejam and Earl for Sega... anyone remember that game.. It was so rediculously fun... I started thinking about it the other day... some how i have the case and booklet and no game... UURRGHHH...   I loved when they would get mowed over by the grocery cart pushing mom and kid.. or the nerds... LOL... the lawn mower guy.. or the dreaded ice cream man... wow, what a fun game...   Anyone have an extra copy for sale??   SI



Been gone awhile...

Hello all...   wow.. cant believe I havent been on the site in forever... In Nov 2007 I took a job with the Walt Disney Company... (no I dont get to invent games.. but its been a great job so far)... working primarily with Radio Disney.. and I've moved 4 times.. and am moving again next month... (these were not planned.. and has made for some stressful days.. )   Was on line tonight looking for a copy of SEGA TOEJAM and EARL I ... anyone have a copy for sale??? and then I started look



Miami Beach

Okay so I'm finally writing this from a week ago.. But I took a day off.. I got an email from our HR person, and she said, you have 11 days to use by Jan 1.. or they are gone... HEY dont need to tell this girl twice... So.. off I go on vacation..   I call my buds down in South Florida.. we have no real plans.. but several of us were going to meet up sometime over the weekend... well.. that never happened...   I did have a wonderful time, visited one friend.. but mostly just hung out



Radio dial flip flop...

Well, a station that I started 6 years ago (106.5 The Promise .. contemp. Christian music) was bought by a big company here in the market (Cox Radio) ... They ended up letting a small local station pick up the format... so now they are 88.1 The Promise.. not as good a signal, but still on the dial.... GLAD TO SEE MY "BABY" didnt get BLOWN OFF THE DIAL...   What will COX put on 106.5??? anybodies guess right now... They're running a teaser saying it could be latin, or dance, or country...



Oldies Radio... or not?

There are talks at work about BIG Changes.... I sell radio ads... fun and often frustrating all at the same time... I work for an oldies station (60s & 70s Hits... Funny that is now considered oldies).. anyway... the station holds it's own.. but isnt making money.. and you know it's all about making a profit.... so.. there has been some behind the scene talks.. No one will say but I think they are going to "flip" the station to another format...   This could be bad at first.. but ma



Was it JAWS?

Everything in life would be better with a theme song.... Don't ya think??? I've decided to add a sound track to my life this weekend... Here's what I've got so far...   Like this weekend it could be Jimmy Buffett's "Headin up to San Fransico for the Labor Day weekend show... I got my hush puppies on, I guess I never was made for glitter rock and roll......... "   Friday night theme could have been some pacman sound effects.... I played some video games   Saturday could have b




HELLO ALL... Yes, I've been gone from the site for a couple months... SO LET ME CATCH UP TO DATE...   The new job has taken alot of my time and focus.. Looks like we are in for some major changes... could mean a big win for me financially.. that would be a huge blessing ... Time will tell what direction the company is taking...   I have of course been trying to do some fun stuff in my free time... Went to the beach a few times ... My 2 oldest daughters moved out last year (one stay



Mega Busy & Hurricane season kicks off!

Well I know it's been a while since I updated my blog... I've been soooo... busy.. work has kept me hopping.. The cool thing is.. inbetween, I've actually had a couple days to do absolutely NOTHING... it was wonderful and I enjoyed the solitude...   I got in a bunch of games and am going to be listing them on ebay.. probably keep a couple for myself... always adding to my collection....   It's gotten so hot... and of course here in Florida it's now officially hurricane season... th



Ideas for a game

Okay.. so I guess most of you that read this.. realize.. I love Atari, enjoy collecting and selling carts... BUT.. do not have the first clue about writing a game or programing ... Although that doenst mean I dont have an interest in learning...   My question is this... If I have ideas for games... what do I do first??? Is it best to team up with an expert who writes games and just lend the ideas?? OR>>>>> Is it something that I could learn and actually get good at .. over




Ding dong Surfsidekick is gone.. which old surf? the wicked kick... ding dong surfsidekick is gone... It's gone where the bad things go... delete delete it goes... sing it High, sing it Low.. the wicked malware had to go!   Okay.. so maybe i should leave songwriting to the pros... but thanks to my new buddies at bleepingcomputer.com and several processes... that dangdable malware is gone..   I'll post the specifics later.. I'm at work and trying to wrap up the week.. HAVE



CRANKY! Surfsidekick.... still a problem...

i'm tired and cranky and have tried multiple things to remove this bugger...   HELP ANYONE I posted my filelogs on bleepingcomputer.com   and had advise ... ran the programs and followed the directions... and still that dang bug has free roam of my PC....   IS THERE ANYONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS THING????     URURGHHGHHGHHGG SI   Oh...PS.... HAVE A NICE DAY... hee hee




SSK is kickin my butt....   http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=86592   any help or suggestions welcomed... yeah.. I know .. don't install it in the first place... I DIDNT.. I got the PC for doing some work for this guy... He owed me money... so I took the PC as partial payment... TICKS ME OFF.... HE STILL OWES ME 1000 bucks! @)&*&^!^! oppss... sorry.... couldnt help myself there for a second..   THANKS for any help.. SI




I'm headed out the door to spend the day on St Augustine beach and then heading to the Ripleys believe it or not museum..... should be a fun touristy type of day...   I wanted to wish everyone a happy & safe weekend.   Enjoy time with family and friends. Easters Blessings! SI




Ahhh... have been having a great time back in radio... I forgot all the fun radio perks...   I have a blue crab festival coming up that I "have" to attend...   I was handed Cirques De Solie tickets last week.. What a cool show... wild actually...   Tomorrow we have a "manditory" meeting at the Jacksonville Suns Baseball game... My boss is buying the food and BEER!!! Could work get anymore fun then that????? Ahhhhh I do love radio!!!   With all these events I hope I can f




Well I made my first sale... actually a friend of mine really did the work and it's my account.. I have an appointment for next week to talk about future business... I have other things starting to line up.... THANKFULLY... working on commission is always like walking on a tight rope.. if you fall you better have a saftey net...   anyway... been busy.. but wanted to quickly update my blog.. Happy gaming.. SI



Still waiting on the first sale.....

So as week three comes to an end.... No sale yet... I guess I still can't call in sick Plus I dont have any sick days saved up yet.. so I'd get docked pay... not something i want to do... I'm antsy to make a sale.... In all fairness to myself... I didnt even get to pitch the first two weeks... just learning the product and getting settled in..... Plus my manager was out for a week.... I think next week I'll crack the ice so to speak...   I'm looking forward to the weekend.. I've got to



I'd rather be playing...

So, I planned on getting out in the gorgeous sunshine today... visit some clients... go to the beach .. anything but being stuck inside.... But, my boss decided that today was a great day to stay indoors and do a sales blitz....   So here I am mid-week... Hump-day such a blah day of the whole week?? not as bad as Monday... urghhh!!! when all i want to do is sleep in... but not as great as Saturday when I can play... I think the world should go to a 2 day work week and 5 day weekend...



Sleepy Monday..... ZZZzzzzzzzz

Just a quick post.... My company all left last night... We had a great weekend.... Work is going good as well.. I'm just so tired... Spent all last week cleaning, shopping, setting up a guest room, getting ready for company. Then all weekend entertaining... and then back to work.. and now I'm left cleaning up the house after the company left.... I'm so tired... all I want to do is curl up and *yawns* and sleep.....   nite all.. sweet dreams...




emp_proper_hl2.zip Soooo.. it's the weekend.. well almost... I've got a ton of things I am SUPPOSED to be doing... but can think of lots of fun things I'd RATHER be doing.. Like playing Rainbow SI.... Still havent tried it... but I will sometime this weekend I am sure... or going to the beach (it's gonna be mid 80's all weekend!), or hitting up 2nd hand stores for more Atari stuff... Oh the possiblities... HOWEVER.... I've got out of town guests coming to visit next weekend...




Where have the past 2 days gone??? I spent half the day yesterday doing drug and background check for my new job.. and getting a tour of the stations.... Hopefully, they will have all my employee paperwork ready so I can start next week... but between now and then... I have a zillion things to do and can't seem to get any of them done... RRGGHH!!!! hate days like that... I had planned to build a bonfire in the grove and clean it up a bit today, but it's windy... fire and wind.. not the



Sellers Sunday

So today is Sunday, and it gorgeous outside... in the 70's ... ahhh Florida livin'I've been going though some inventory and getting things ready to list on ebay... Should add another 100 auctions this week.. I want to get as much done as possible this next week, once I go back to work I wont have as much time to do things around the house.. It's a busy time of year.. I live on an orange grove and there is always yard work to do, especially now... There is so much fruit everywhere. If your in th



Long Day...

So it's 2am... I have driven all over town today, about 250 miles... I still didnt get everything done... I did hear back from the radio station and they accepted my counter offer... They want me to come in Monday and officially take the job... Then once they do a background and drug test.. I'm good to start.. probably March 13th.. I need to hurry up and start so I can get paid.. Well... It's late.. maybe I'll play a game or two before falling asleep...I'll post more over the weekend.. I have



Setting up my BLOG...

Okay.. so I created an about me page... ABOUT METhat should at least introduce myself and satisfy the "why a girl likes Atari" I've been going on job interviews ... fun... I had a company make me an offer yesterday, I counter offered, so I'm waiting today to hear back... I work in radio and as laid off in December due to budget cuts... Yeah.. Merry Christmas, we cant pay you.... great... Anyway... Hopefully, this company will accept my counter offer, and I'll be working in the next week or so



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