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Entries in this blog

Ransack! - ABBUC 2014

Ransack! is a new game for the ABBUC Software Contest 2014.   Ransack! was originally written by Peter Scott for the BBC Micro in 1987.   This version was ported and enhanced for the Atari 8-bit by Jose Pereira and Lyren "Xuel" Brown.   Screenshots     Game Play Video     Requirements   64K RAM   Input   Space - Start / Bomb Trigger - Start / Fire Joystick - Left / Right Escape - Leave current game S - Turn on sound (hiscore screen) Q



Cavern 10

A stripped down re-implementation of Caverns of Mars in 10 lines of Turbo Basic:   Cavern10.atr (PAL) Cavern10-NTSC.atr (NTSC, no sound or animation)   Source at github.   Unfortunately I wasn't able to include weapons or much game play, so it's way too minimalist to be a real contender. Consider it a demo of lz4 compression in Turbo Basic.



High Scores for NOMAM Turbo Basic Ten-Liners

Here are my high scores for some of the games from the NOMAM Turbo Basic Ten-Liners contest.   Jump!!! - 742 Jump!!! (NTSC) - 891 Dodge Racer - 432 Abyss 1.1 - $350776 Abyss 1.1 - $599413 (Concentrated more on missions) Abyss 1.2 - $316037 roguelike - 21 gold Grue Killer - 300 Flappy - 8 I used the following breakpoint in Altirra to save the screen before the bird disappears bx "write=$bc51 and value>=$10 and value<$80" Type "gf" a couple times until score is visible.




Jump!!!   An entry into the NOMAM 2014 BASIC Ten-Liners Contest   Download   Jump.atr   Screenshots and Video       Objective   Avoid falling off the bottom of the screen or getting crushed at the top. Move left and right with the joystick. Press trigger to start.   Features Smooth scrolling at 44 FPS In-game music Physics simulation Hiscore and splash screen All in Nine lines of Turbo Basic Limitations   Unfortunately it runs much slower on an NTSC mac




X:8 is a new side-scrolling shoot-em-up-style game for the Atari 8-bit computer made for the ABBUC Software Contest 2013. The game will only be available to ABBUC members during a voting period. Later it will be released to the general public.   Credits   - Graphics / Production: José Pereira - Code / Music: Xuel - Sprites: TMR / STE'86     The graphics are converted and inspired by several other 8-bit era games including Armalyte for the ZX Spectrum, Gradius for Nintendo Game Boy, an



Atari Beaglebone Expansion

Ilmenit's RastaConverter is an image conversion tool for Atari 8-bit computers. I wrote RastaMovie to stitch RastaConverter images together to make movies. The movie frames have to be switched very quickly to achieve a frame rate of 25-30 frames per second. This rules out SIO or IDE interfaces as you need around 500 KB/s throughput. You have to have the frames in memory. But the largest memory expansion commonly available is only 1088K. That's only enough for around 64 frames and they have to be



Do-it-yourself A/V Cable for 800XL

Last year, I wanted to make an A/V cable for my PAL 800XL that would support S-Video, Composite and Audio. After doing some research I found out that the DIN connector on the back of the 800XL is the same as the one commonly used for MIDI. So I bought a 5 ft MIDI cable from Best Buy and an S-Video plug from Radio Shack. I cut an RCA cable in half. I then proceeded to splice all of these components together to form the Frankenstein A/V cable pictured here:     I wrote the following text



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