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Trials and tribulations related to using CC65 on Atari 8-Bit Computers

Entries in this blog

CC65, the Atari, and Graphics: Part 1 of 10,000.

This seems to be a relatively common issue for folks.  It certainly was for me when I started playing around with CC65.  Here's an example, CC65 linker config file, that should work out of the box. The following is a short example on how to use graphics mode 8 from CC65.  Before we get too far we need to create a few typedefs and defines.  These elements make later code easier to read (IMHO).  If you're familiar with ACTION you'll recognize what BYTE and WORD represent.  I leave it as an ex




The primary purpose of this blog is to discuss using CC65 on Atari 8-bit computers - which goes from "hey this is easy!" to "omg...how do I do X?!?" pretty darn fast. My posts will naturally include source code showing how I've managed to do various things with the platform. The vehicles I plan to use during these discussions are two programs I'm currently working on (when time permits). The first is an Ancients game in the spirit of DBA or HoTT (Hordes of the Things) - so definitely not a h



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