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Jabberings mostly related to Atari computers.  Mostly.

Entries in this blog

UAVs, CX-55s, and physical space

Yes, Virginia, a UAV will fit in a CX-55.  Disabuse yourself of the previously-held notion that it won't.   A/V jacks may be a different matter entirely, so feeding out a cable (round or ribbon) with all of them connected to it may be necessary.  This will involve drilling / cutting the case.


x=usr(1536) in CX-55 Experiments

Experiments with CX-55 audio and video plus UAVs

This is a scratchpad for some ideas I've had involving how to route audio and video from a CX-55 VCS Adapter in a 5200 with a UAV installed.   First order of business: recap the current CX-55 and replace the voltage regulator.  The video looks awful.  The video looks awful when viewed via the 5200, which has a snow issue over RF that is likely in the modulator.  If the modulator's in need of work to improve the 5200's video, then the same will apply to the CX-55's video.   Ne


x=usr(1536) in CX-55 Experiments

Things that make it go SCREEEEEEEEEE (and use up desk space)

If there was one thing that home computer manufacturers understood in the early part of the 1980s, it was that their machines - powerful as their respective computing capabilities may have been for the time - had some limitations right out of the box.  Typically, there was no external storage included; at best, you may get a machine bundled with a cassette drive as part of a promotion or sale.  Printers, then as now, were usually optional unless you were buying something along the lines of a Col



"Oh, hey, I completely forgot that I own one of these!"

Perhaps at some point, I'll write something about my early involvement with Atari's computers and, later on, their consoles.  Really, though, that's not the main focus here: concentrating on the current menagerie and what's happening with it at the moment is.  Thus, diving in in reverse order, The Master Plan seems like an appropriate place to start.   There is no Master Plan.  At least, there isn't one in the sense that everything is roadmapped, itineraried, and checkpointed eight way



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