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About this blog

Maztr_0n/Meryl's Blog of Glob and mess, random thoughts and mindnesssssss madless.

I'm an "Adult"* who played an AtGames flashback at 11 so somehow has nostalgia for Atari enough to actually buy a 2600+ and start collecting games, hence why she's here, on atariage. She's kinda absent minded and wont shut up, so for everyone's sake. She made a blog for those interested in Blogs... Which are the closest demographic to tolerating this, Dont Expect Much... Dont have much to say and aren't willing to spill any HOT GOSS, so ya know, mainly daily annoyances about how "school is boring" and "how hard it is to get a retro game these days" or how "i really need to find newer musical artists that i like, i know todays music is so different from the past that there are hundreds of bands for literally every niche ever, but i'm too lazy to find them" or "the sun sucks" and MORE! Doesn't that just excite you? As long as her birth year of [See Spoiler] doesn't fill you with existential dread or perhaps if it is your thing then, welcome to the Young Folks messhall...



*Old Teenager

all in public to see

Entries in this blog

GIRR: #1 (Franko: The Crazy Revenge)

this kind of thing has only happened to me about twice, so far, and thats mainly because i dont remember their names til i go on r/tipofmyjoystick and somebody immediately finds it, and yeah you can probably find my reddit posts, but i feel like writing about it instead. One time i was watching Vinesause (Vinny) on youtube years ago, and i just remembered this weird beat-em-up on MS-DOS, the big joke about it was that it looked like a Buff Tommy Wiseau out of The Room beating the shit out o
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