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Odyssey2 stuff



As you may or may not know, I have not one but two homebrew Odyssey2 games being released this year. Well, it had been a while since I worked on them again. One was kind of easy, but the second one was VERY HARD to program. I kept throwing fits and hitting the computer. So I went on a break for a few hours and came back to it and I think I finally did what I wanted it to. It put up quite a fight, though. Stupid thing kept doing weird stuff that I didn't tell it to do. I wonder, why do we capitalize I but not me? For instance: The Odyssey 2 hates Me. Or: i am being harassed by he Odyssey 2. And who goes around flying an airplane at 9:13pm when it's all dark outside? Anyway, I guess I'm full of questions. Am stoked about the new Nine Inch Nails album that was announced. I want it to be a new volume of Ghosts, but I doubt it. It's been 5 years! Anyway, I fired up the Odyssey 2 to test both my games. Thing still works. Am wondering if there is a one-player option for Smithereens! I want that game and can't seem to find it on ePay for less than $10. Grr. Woke up to find some moths in the house that I had to kill. I mean, what point is there in living if all you are is a moth? I like to think that if I kill the moth, it can go to moth heaven and fly around there eternally instead of bothering me. I'm getting tired of these weird bugs. I call them moths, but I really don't know what they are.


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