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The Mind of a Computer



Not only is it the second half of the Odyssey 2 slogan, it's also something you need to have in order to program for it. And apparently, the mind of a computer does stupid things and disobeys you sometimes. It's a stubborn mind, and if it were a human's, it would be taking Ritalin. Anyway, for fun, I decided to try my hand at designing an 8-page manual for a game that could have been done with 4. Six page manuals can't be done unless a manual 4 page was cut in half to make 2 and then taped or glued to the manual, but that would be and look icky. I ran into the same problem that the people who made the Cosmic Conflict did. Normally the directions of an 8-page Odyssey 2 manual are brimming with text and pictures and you wonder how they managed to fit all that info in. (Football's instruction manual is 12 pages!) But same goes with the I've Got Your Number manual, too. They ran out of stuff to say, so they put in a picture that takes up most of the room of the two pages. So anyway, since the pros did this, I guess I can do it too. Except drawing it. I can't draw, which is evident if you read my daily webcomic, so I'm probably going to have someone else do the artwork. I've been working hard these past 2 days on trying to make the games I thought I finished better, and I think I did. Now let's see if I can polish them off even more. The main reason I got the C-7050 cart is because I am an Odyssey 2 game programmer. It allows you to test games on real hardware. I am one of the few people in the States to own an Odyssey 2. They were more popular in Europe where it was known as the VideoPac. Anyway, it's a great system and the main focus of mine is to semi-port games that were on the Atari 2600 to the Odyssey 2 since it has a way smaller library of titles than the 2600.


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