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Insomnia ensues #4 - Coding Atari 2600 games 'till dawn!





I'm having a bit of coders block on my current project. I have to make a "victim" appear and avoid the player. It also needs to traverse the multi-screen game map. I've coded myself into a corner and can't kludge my way out.


I've had a decent supper of yak meat and pizza rolls. Currently suckling on a caraffe of diet coke. My intention for the rest of this hour is to backtrack a few versions of my game and completely re-write my victim AI. Wish me luck!


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I found a revision of my game far enough back to not include victim AI code. Still importing some positive changes from newer builds. For instance, the Knight (player) shouldn't be able to hold the sword out in attack mode indefinetly. I need to reinplement a timer for that.


New code includes seperate drawing routines for each of the 5 victims. 4 of them are male so I can use the same sprite and just change the colors.


Got interrupted once or twice. Need to make some coffee now that the coke is gone. Let's hope the next hour is even more productive!

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Got a little pissy/exasperated trying to get the victim to show up at the proper screen. Still working on it but feeling better about my progress. Turns out the Knights attack didn't need tweaking. The main thing is he stops attacking when the player tries to move forward.


The score should be a handy way to debug variables but it isn't. Just putting the value of a variable into the score doesn't give you readable results. There's a workaround bogax came up with but I'm too tired to search for it.

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Kinda made some progress in introducing the victim to a screen. Even made it exit the screen and enter a different screen when fleeing. Er, I can't seem to find the victim after this. Maybe I will have to dig up bogaxs score debug example.. sigh.

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Spent my lunch-break working on the victim chasing and navigation from screen to screen. Even got an Angel to float away when the victim gets borked. Progress!!

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