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NES Reproductions



So I'm going to send a Tengen NES game over to Canada so the guy over at NESReproductions.com can turn it into Xybots. The only beef I have with Canada is that it's another country so I have to fill out a customs slip really quicklike because they don't have the right ones in reach to fill out while you're waiting in line. And it's really hard to figure out the worth of the thing. I mean it costs $25 for him to do it, so is that what I put, or would I put $7 because that's what I paid for the cart? Anyway, I have all 20 black Tengen NES carts. I like them so much that I'm seeking out more unreleased ROMs like the NES Xybots that Tengen did so I can put them on carts as well. Only one I've been able to find is Hard Drivin'. I know Tengen had a whole bunch of unreleased games (Airball, Police Academy, et al.) but do playable ROMs exist for these? Is there a site like AtariProtos.com for Nintendo games? I like my NES, which I dug it out. It's the toploader. I have that as well as the one with a lid where you push the game down. Even as a kid, I wondered how the machine was able to read what was on the cart if it wasn't inserted into a slot. The NES was my first kid video game console. I remember playing Pin-Bot, Super Mario Bros. 3, Jeopardy Jr., and TMNT 2 with the Game Genie. I got to the level in Pin-Bot where the blob ate your ball. I beat SMB3. But ask me to beat a game nowadays on a modern console, and I can't. I guess the video gamers got upset that they could beat the old games pretty easily, so they made them so hard that I can't. Anyway, I even have a matching dogbone controller for it. It's really nifty. I even have a few duplicates of the black NES carts. You want Rolling Thunder or Vindicators? I don't know, I just like collecting things that are video game related and I think are aesthetic, like the black NES carts or N-Gage game cases. And I'm wondering why people live in Canada? Isn't it cold up there all year? I went to Victoria BC when I was 12. I don't remember much, but I did notice that the Wendy's comma was a maple leaf. And they measure speed in kilometers. To quote Abe Simpson, "the metric system is the tool of the Devil!" I do wish though to live in Northern Washington, like Bellingham or something, so I can get Vancouver, BC stations with an antenna.

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