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GoSub 2: What I can and can't do



Well, I decided to remove the sub shooting the octopus in the title screen. It was a little sad to see it go, but space is limited. You can still shoot the octopus in the main game, it's just in the title screen animation that it's gone. I added an ending screen. That's why the title screen code got truncated. I wanted to put in an ending screen since the original GoSub for Odyssey 2 didn't have one, it just went back to the title screen at the end. If you manage to see the ending screen in GoSub 2, it's a little underwhelming. Again, since space is limited. GoSub 2 will have twenty screens, same as the first one. I have completed the "engine", I just need to add three or four more levels, so most of the work should wrap up by this weekend. I stayed up until 2am being unsuccessful in adding an ending screen, I just realized that there isn't enough room and decided to cut something out. It was the shooting the octopus in the title screen. The code for it was immense, so it had to go. The sub and octopus still chase each other from left to right across the screen, it's just that the sub doesn't shoot the octopus any more.


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