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Opposite problem



So I worked all night on this secret Odyssey 2 project I began work on. It was not functioning properly on real hardware. At about 4 am or so, I FINALLY made the stupid thing work. I still have a problem, though. But this is the best type of problem to have. I don't know what to do next. I guess it's not a secret any longer. I am going to make a game about my comic book character called "the 50 foot tall stalk of celery", or Mr. Celery for short. In this game, Mr. Celery has a problem. Vegetarians are trying to eat him. Your job is to get rid of them. The problem: How does he get rid of them?


Pressing fire on this (rather bland) title screen leads you to a screen where Mr. Celery is on the left and the vegetarians (one at a time, the simple Odyssey 2 man character) is running around. I tried all night to get the stupid man to run around randomly on real hardware. He just wouldn't run down for some reason. But I finally made it work. I've always wanted to make a game with a white background. So anyway, Mr. Celery is on the left hand side and the vegetarian is running around randomly on the right hand side. So, like I said before, Mr. Celery wants to get rid of the vegetarians. When he does, one point will be scored and another vegetarian will take his place. Naturally, the game has to be harder as it goes along. I have yet to add a score to the game, but I would likely add a four-digit score at the top right side of the screen. So, does anyone have any ideas?

(by the way, if you're wondering about the cat game I announced, I figured since the Atari 2600 game was 16k that the Odyssey 2 version would have to be at the most 12k (I don't know if Odyssey 2 games can be 16k or not. If so, my C7050 cart can only test games up to 12k in size.) Also, I don't know what to call it, and it's not an original project like the Celery game is.


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