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WIP Draker Quest (a working title)



Instead of posting on the 7800 forums, I've decided to blog about the next project I'm working on: Draker Quest. The original concept is the Zelda example by Atarius Maximus. Although I've been trying to reach him through PM's I cannot. If you're out there, AM, I just wanted to ask, with your permission, is it okay to use your Zelda programming code for my game?


Another member I have to give kudos to is RevEng for helping with other code and any questions I've had. Although there were times when I felt like I was annoying him for help. Just a side story; I was a stupid kid back then when taking industrial arts class and I kept asking the teacher, "Is this okay?" I don't want to be like that ever again.


As for DQ, I'm still working on a solution of getting the player out on a specific screen like if the player was in a cave, then goes back out again. There are 128 screens or rooms so I'd figure to program something like:

__endDungeon   xpos=15   room=move_east[room]50:xpos=70:ypos=80   return:goto __mainloop__endendDungeon

Don't even bother with the code above; it doesn't work. So let's say I'm trying to "warp" to room 50, a room within the overworld. The variable [room] originally transports the player to the next screen whatever which way he goes. I'm already confused.









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I was wondering about the current status of DQ -- has it or will it be released on cart?

I'm trying to get in contact with Al about obtaining components to build carts so it will be released on cart. I also like to create a manual for it as well.

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