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Silence isn't golden.



I've given up all hope of me ever being able to put in sound in my PS1 game. The morons who designed it made it too hard for me to figure out ever. Why can't they make video game consoles that are EASY to figure out instead of stupid hard? I can't load any sound file in it and make it play. So I'm giving up. It will have to be a silent game. I have a sound file all ready for the title screen, but god forbid I be able to figure out how to make it play. Anyway, I finished the level 1 cutscene. I added a bit of text so people will have some sort of clue about the game they're about to play. I bought two PSX games at the video game store yesterday. (It is actually yesterday since it's past midnight.) I'm beginning to think I'm really stupid because I can't figure out sound on my PS1 game. People should take better care of their video games. One I bought the case was cracked and the manual feels like it was dunked in water for a few days. So I replaced the case's front with a non-broken one. Oh, and I also put in a PSX icon on my Jack and the Beanstalk page. You know, the silent game. Here's what I WANT to do:

level 1 - Jack goes around avoiding the troll following him, going through mazes of trees and stuff, like GoSub, only touching the trees doesn't kill you. Touching the troll does. You do, however, have a number of lives. I don't know what that number is yet. I do also need a drawing of a troll. So if you want to help with the stupid game, feel free to. I'll copy the drawing and me-ify it so it fits in with the rest of the drawings.

level 2 cutscene - Jack gets home with the beans. As it turns out, Jack had no idea beans gave mom gas. She got angry and threw them out the window. Overnight a beanstalk grows. Jack wakes up to find a beanstalk.

level 2 - Jack climbing up the beanstalk avoiding the crow from the title screen.

Eventually, Jack climbs up the beanstalk, finds a castle, goes in, gets the goose that lays the golden eggs, goes out of the castle. Level 4 will be a chase sequence with avoiding the giant while up in the clouds. Level 5 will be level 2 reversed (Jack goes down the beanstalk instead of up it), and then the game ends. While looking through the PSX game library, there is apparently a Tiny Toon Adventures game related to this classic story. I don't have the game, though. Hopefully mine is a different enough take on it to give a reason for its existence.


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