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You probably don't remember a little demo I made called "Stickman" on the Atari 2600 where I used the "icing" of the pfhlines to create simulated notebook paper and had a little stick figure walking around. Well, I decided I should try to recreate it on the Odyssey 2. So I'm doing that right now. I created the notebook paper lines with the grid, added some holes, and did a little animation of the stick figure walking around with the joystick. I also added an eraser that erases Stickman if you touch it. What I am trying to do is create the feeling that this is drawn on paper, yet you can move the drawing on the paper. Actually, the colors are just right on the Odyssey 2. Usually you can never find the right colors due to its wonky color palette. But the eraser is pink like it should be, the background is actually off-white or light gray, but gray enough to give the illusion it's white, the lines are the perfect color, and Stickman looks like he was drawn with graphite with a pencil, perfect for erasing. But while all of this is perfect, I still don't have an idea of what Stickman should DO. I don't want him going around collecting things because Aaron the Aant does the same thing. What is Stickman's purpose? What goals does he have? Brainstorm some ideas along with me, so that Stickman shall not live in vain.



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