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I don't know Jack



I am extremely bored right now. I should be asleep, but I don't want to go to sleep. So I'm staying up. And what have I been doing while staying up? Well, the PS1 game I got in the mail today (technically yesterday) inspired me to work on my PS1 game about Jack and the Beanstalk. I added collision detection for the trees. It took a few hours to get it working, but after multiple tries, tweaking numbers and logic, I finally did it. Also, some very nice guy is going to send me a cable so I can test my games on a real Playstation 1. So I wondered if the PSX I had still worked. I had been using the newer PSOne model for my Playstation gaming. So I went in the pantry and found it. I realized that the power cord was different, so I found my Dreamcast and used its power cord for the PSX. That old gray box still has some life in it, and works like a charm. I had been using the PSOne because it's smaller and more compact, but since I need the older model to test homebrew games on, I think I will put the newer one back in the pantry and keep the old one in my room to use. This will be so exciting to finally test my game I have been working on for a few months to see what it is like on an actual Playstation. Up until now I had been using Playstation emulators, which are fine, but not exact. But first the guy has to make the cord and then ship it from Australia. And you know what? There is already a Jack and the Beanstalk game for the PSX using the Tiny Toons franchise. But I am still going to make mine. Why not GoSub, you may ask? Well, I thought it was time when I started PSX homebrew to do something different as a test. That's always what the games start out as. A test to see if I can get something working. Of course, I am still having trouble with the Playstation sound, so the game is silent right now. But anyway, that's strangely fine. Here is a screenshot from Jack and the Beanstalk.


It took a lot of code to get each and every tree on the screen to react the way I wanted it to. It also took a lot of code just to get 15 trees on the screen all at once. My code is probably way too long and could be shortened a lot since I don't know C very well. But it will be interesting to see what it does on a real Playstation.


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