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So I had an idea to put in a tribute to Asteroids in the Celery movie. Why? I wanted something to put in between when Celery hijacks the spaceship and crash-lands on Earth. Something like Celery traveling through space. Then it hit me. The spaceship kind of looks like an Asteroid. So I downloaded the Atari 2600 version of Asteroids (what I wanted to base this on.) It took a while, but I think I finally nailed the look as the triangle shoots at the spaceship as it travels down. All that's missing is the score, which I don't think I can duplicate given my kernel options for the rest of the program. Right now it is 4 minutes and 15 seconds long. I want it to be 7 minutes and 30 seconds long. So I have about 3 more minutes left. I have two whole free banks left (banks 6 and 7), with as usual, bank 8 holding all the playfield info, et al. I have 1,472 bytes left in that bank. Here is a screenshot of the "homage" in action



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