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Doger:: Atari Jaguar Frogger game progress



While I'm busy with all things rB+ I've done a bit more work on the Doger tutorial game. There's new enemy sprites in the road section (5 sets of animated cat animations with different perspective, displayed based on their individual x-position for each of the 15 sprites). I've made a short tutorial to show how this is achieved and it's posted to the rB+ website: http://reboot.atari.org/new-reboot/rbplus/tutorial2.html or you can read the thread here:http://atariage.com/forums/topic/236154-new-mini-tutorial-manually-managing-sprite-graphics-frames/


There's also a new backdrop graphic and animated water underneath the poulpe rafts, oh, and a slight alteration to those sprites themselves (a quick edit to make them appear to be slightly submerged. Next plan was to try to add some particle effects for water spray, but it's proving too difficult to make lok convincing and would be much better done in graphics or not at all.


The Doge himself now moves in x on a per-pixel basis, but the y-movement in 16-pixel steps is retained to keep the authentic and accurate (and also much more fun) gameplay intact... it's just not enjoyable without that ability to instantly position your character for pixel-perfect collision detection vs sprites that overlap naturally due to height.


So that's Doger:





The original game this blog was created to discuss hasn't seen any action for a little while, but I do plan on making a parallax backdrop creation tutorial based on it. I'll be showing how to splice up a single graphic into different sprites and maybe just go all out for a "parallax massacre" kind of screen. That might be a fun project for my last day of freedom before returning to work full time. Then I suppose I should concentrate on getting the rB+ demo ready for Outline party, don't want any last-minute rushing and compromise for that one.


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