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Popeye Odyssey 2



So I worked some more on Stickman again. It took a few hours for me to speed up the erasers by adding two speed variables, one for going up and the other for going down. For a lark, I decided to see if there were any Parker Bros. Odyssey 2 games on eBay. I just bought Popeye. The game looks crude and horrible, hopefully it will play better than it looks. Why is Bluto green? Why is Popeye white? Come on, Parker Bros. you have 12 characters to work with. At least give them some clothes. Even Olive Oyl is pink and nude. And the hearts are sideways. I think I know why. It's the trick of "cutting" out parts of characters. I am suspecting that is the case here. They cut out 5 or 6 pixel-lines of a character (i'm not sure which one.) But at least Stickman has a reason to be naked: He's just a child's stick figure drawing that came to life somehow. Methinks Olive Oyl needs to lay off the tanning beds. Well, anyway, once Popeye comes, I'll have 2/4 of the Parker Bros. releases (I have Frogger.) If you're looking for Parker Bros. games and you're in the USA or Canada, just make sure the cart says "Philips." That way it's from Brazil and will work on your Odyssey 2. I don't think ACTUAL Parker Bros. releases don't work on the Odyssey 2. Oh well, at least we have the Brazil ones. And since when did Bluto become twice the size of Popeye?



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