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Musically declined



When I was a kid, I took piano lessons. I quit them, but my piano teacher said to my parents to keep him playing. I forgot many things, but what I did remember I use in composing little songs. Right now, I'm setting poems I wrote years ago to music. Sometimes I delete some of the poem to make the song better. Some of the songs are NSFW, but this one is. This is a sample of my work. I use a program called Cakewalk to make sheet music PDFs and MIDIs. I write poetry because it's fun. Most of it is stuff that makes no sense, like this one from a book I wrote called "Even More Poems That Make No Sense," I wrote in 2001. I was 19 years old when I wrote this. It's about an angry alligator. I guess I was trying to cram a whole bunch of A words in a poem (I don't remember), and this was the result. The music was just written today. I have way too much time on my hands, so this is what I do. Sit around and make music, work on making and playing video games, and making crossword puzzles to work on a year later. I was asleep for most of today. I just didn't feel like waking up. So I slept. I sleep a lot, even more lately for no reason. For example, I want to sleep right now, but I just woke up a few hours ago. I'm really excited because the NBA starts on Wednesday and I want to see how badly the Blazers do this season. They're expected to suck because they're in rebuilding mode. That and all their star (good) players left for other teams. So here's my alligator song.


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