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A title screen would be nice



Put a title screen in the banana game. The trouble is, the game apparently needs to think about what it's doing for half a second after you press start, resulting in a garbled screen for half a second. My temporary fix is to make the palette all white so it displays the banana as all white for a split second. Then the words "bananas are good" disappear from the screen while you're playing it. I really don't care for this split second of a blank screen, but if nobody can tell me a.) why it does this, and b.) how to make it not do that, it must stay in the final version. I tried various pictures and various code to try to fix this. I must have spent at least a few hours or so on it, but this is the best I can do. I finally got Wario's Woods for the NES again. I went to the video game store and there it was. So I bought it. In case you don't know, Wario's Woods was the last licensed NES game, and the only one with an ESRB rating. I don't know why, but I tend to like the latest possible titles for my consoles. I also have the NES version of the Jungle Book which was also released in 1994. I found this really cool site called U64 which is about cancelled games and has a lot of pictures and info about them. The N64 had some great games that never got to see the light of day, which is sad.


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