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A little black dot.



So I just tried to fix the banana Game Gear game. I succeeded, but it took a few more hours. I decided that I would try putting the palette in another place. That led me on a road to success. But before I could claim victory, I had a little trouble with a little black dot that appeared instead of the flashing. The solution to getting that to go away was to say I have 32 colors in my palette instead of 16 and even that was incorrect since I only had 8. I learned at the beginning you have to lie about how many colors you have in the palette or else it will display all wrong for no good reason. So anyway, once I got that figured out, the mail came. I got the banana book Mom ordered for me a week ago. I had no idea the history of the banana would take more than 250 pages. But it does. So my day has been filled with bananas so far. Perhaps it's a sign that I should eat one.


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