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The quicker the better



So I have decided that since I sleep half my life away that I would get up out of bed sooner. After falling asleep at 9:30pm I woke up at about 3am. 6 and a half hours of sleep instead of 12. I had a weird dream and an idea that inspired me to get up, but once I looked something up on the internet, I decided the idea was impossible. So I went back to work on Bananas Are Good. I thought that if you just stay in one place and hold button 2 that usually one of the flies would wander over to you and you'd score a point. I thought this was kind of lame, so I decided to change the scoring system. Now the faster you swat a fly, the more points you get. The amount of points is based on the game timer. Like if you swat a fly with 8 seconds left, you'd get 8 points. This hopefully would get the player chasing after the fly more. This also does get the scoring involved and more scoring. My highest score right now is 777 points. A weird thing happened when I turned on my Game Gear, though. It usually makes a high-pitched continuous "moaning" noise. I turned on the Game Gear this last time and the moaning was lower in pitch. Oh well, just as long as it still works. Also, during the time I had been working on the game, the sprite priorities got mixed up, resulting in the fly being over the swatter. I fixed it so it's now correct and back under the swatter. I also moved the score positions around so now the game timer is at the lower right corner of the screen instead of the center. So perhaps I have been playing my Game Gear too much with the continuous testing of Bananas Are Good. Once I test the game I ordered off eBay, I think I'll give it a little rest.


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