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bananas are good and finished.



So I completed the game. I tried really hard to undo the problem I was having with the text. I doubt I could fix it unless I made my own font and put it in there, which is something I don't know how to do. It left me with no other option then to turn the screen off for the fraction of a second I was having trouble with, which, while I think is annoying, it does technically work. I also slowed the flies down after 200 points. I don't know if I told about making the flies faster after 200 points, but I had them do that at one point. As it turned out, you could just sit the swatter and hold the 2 button and eventually within the 9 seconds, the fly would be swattable, something I did not want to have happen, so I got rid of it. I bought Prince of Persia for the Game Gear yesterday. It's getting to be more and more expensive to buy Game Gear games for some reason. I guess the reason is I have all the cheapie games. I also came back to working on the Celery movie. I worked on a little of it after I had posted the version I posted. It's now at 6 min. 13 sec. so I have a little over a minute left to do. Do I have enough space? Probably. Can I do it without dipping into bank 8? We'll see. Bank 8 is where all the graphics are held. They are there no matter what bank you define them in. Which is great.


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