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things that annoy me.



So I started work on a new CHEEZi newsletter (see here: http://www.atari2600land.com/cheezi/ ) when I am using Microsoft Word, and select left, right or center or justified or try to change the font or make it bigger and smaller, it does that to the entire document, so I have to press undo which undoes the changes I didn't want to make to the whole document, but keeps the original change I wanted to do. I want to know why it decides to do that. Does it think everything has to be exactly the same size and same everything? That would be a very boring document. Excuse me if I want to make changes to certain parts of the document. It does that all the time, like when I'm working on an issue of Nintendo Stuff and I want to make a headline for a game. And then it changes the entire document to the specifications i wanted, so then I have to do the undo trick. it's really annoying. But what's even more annoying is you are fighting with Microsoft Word and the phone rings. And you get up to answer it, only to find there's nobody on the other line. This happens so often, we call it Mr. Nobody. Why does that happen so much? Or you're working on something really important and the phone rings and you answer it and it's a recording telling you you've won a free cruise to the Bahamas. That's been happening off and on for a few years now. You'd think they'd eventually get the gist that I don't WANT a free cruise to the Bahamas, but no. I don't want a Norovirus. I like to stay on the ground. I don't drown on it. I bet there's a way to make the Word problem stop, but darned if I can figure it out. What I want to know is why this annoying setting is the default one. You know what annoys me? Getting 15 hours of sleep and then waking up only to find you're so sleepy you could sleep more. But you get up anyway because you know that 15 hours of sleep is too much. I should have probably gotten up when I needed to go to the bathroom, but I didn't. I kept sleeping. (meaning I did pee, but then went back to sleep.) Am I easily annoyed?

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