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Jaguar programming is hard.



So after hours upon hours and builds upon builds I finally have a title screen for a possible Jaguar game. I say possible because I don't know if I can do it, after all the hours of trying to get one simple Hello world screen going. Also, I have no way of testing this on a real Jaguar. But if I finish this game, I want it on a cartridge, not a CD, because I don't have a JagCD. The game is simple: an Alien Greed clone. You may all remember my Ants game for the Odyssey 2, or even my bananas are good game. Just a simple game to see if I want to continue doing this. I had trouble with a whole bunch of stuff. It was difficult. And this was even with Raptor Basic +. I had wanted to try it out for a long time, thinking "oh, it's basic, that means it should be easy." But I don't know. This time, I'm imagining the ants on a table with a background. The ants are moving around. There is a finger you move around to squish the ants. If I can, I plan on taking a picture of a table I have in my mind with a digital camera and put that in my game. I guess since it's a Jaguar, it has to be difficult due to its complexity. But this is as close I'll get to my ultimate dream: Programming a simple N64 game. Unless someone makes a Raptor Basic + for the N64. But I think it would be really neat to make a graphical upgrade to my Ants/Alien Greed/Bananas are Good game. So that's what I'm trying to do. I have been sleeping for a long time lately, like 12 or 14 hours per night. So I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up at 2pm. Last night I went to sleep at 3am and woke up at 2pm, so I guess it's an improvement, but I would like to be up during the day again. Unless I'm part vampire.

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