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Virtual Boy nightmare over



I woke up at 8pm today, after going to sleep at 11am. I stayed up way past my bedtime since I had to go to the post office. I needed to send something to Canada, so I had to fill out a customs form. It seems very difficult to get stuff into Canada. Why couldn't it be like the summer of 1994 still when I went on vacation to Victoria, BC and didn't even need a passport? Anyway, after putzing around on the computer, eating my usual breakfast of pills and M&Ms, I saw a reply for my pleas for help on my Virtual Boy programming problem. I had two options, one of which was long and complicated and hard to understand. Not liking a challenge, I went with the other, easier thing. And it worked! There is no longer a bright red streak on the upper left corner of the screen. I still don't know what it was or why it was there, or why it never showed up on Mednafen. Anyway, putting the solution only took 30 minutes and a few tries on real hardware to get correct. So now tomorrow, or even later today if I feel like it, I can continue work on the game. I've decided to split the game's code into separate levels. This does mean I would have to reenter the Quincy moving code at each level. Or perhaps not. I don't know. So anyway, what is in there now is the banana hunt. On screen 6, you meet a mama banana who is looking for her son Pete, who is on screen 4. Mama follows you once you activate her (which is done by simply walking into screen 6), and then once you get to screen 4, she is happy and doesn't follow you any more. What I have planned is to stop beyond screen 6 (i.e. going left) once mama has been activated, and once she finds her son, the world will open up more. The way I have it set up is screen 2 is the starting screen, Quincy's house. Right now the world is 2x3 screens, which I plan to make bigger by adding several screens, like to make it 10x3 or something. I'm not sure yet. And I also have to think of little challenges and stuff for Quincy to do on his quest for a pineapple. And have to think up the rest of the backstory as to why there are no pineapples anywhere. So now I am good, that is, until my doctor visit on the 27th, when they will probably want to do a painful blood test, or, even sooner, if some other really stupid problem pops up with programming stuff.


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