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The ants came back



Perhaps I have been working on the Ants game for the Jaguar a little too hard. This morning, there were real ants on the real kitchen counter. I was asleep at the time. Mom put out Terro traps like she always does, while I want a permanent solution and have them be gone forever. Oh well. AtariAge user "omf" has been trying to help me understand Jaguar programming. I want to make a Jaguar homebrew cartridge (NOT A C.D.) so people could actually buy a cartridge and actually play the non-CD games for people like me who can't afford the CD add-on. I got out the Jaguar, it still works great. I'm still trying to find a copy of Sensible Soccer for >$40 to complete my "games I can afford" collection. But I'm having a tough time grasping how to do it. I've never seen BASIC look so much like C before. And so I figure I have to be the one to make a Jag cartridge because nobody else seems to want to. Why no homebrew releases for the casual Jag owner who has no CD add on? Yes, I sold my copy of Blackout, but I thought I would have a tough time doing so because the box had been damaged. Plus, it's not really a game. I went to sleep at about 9am and woke up at 4 or 5 pm. I'm trying to turn my life around again so I'm asleep during the night and not all day. Also, I only got 8 hours of sleep, so I suppose that's good as well. Instead of 12-14 like I usually get. This is a screenshot of the game.I "zoomed in" on the table so the ant could have a more rectangular invisible border. And the whole point of the game is to squish the ants. Answer this question: What would you squish an ant with? Your finger or your thumb? I would do so with my finger. What should I add in? A finger or a thumb?


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