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#93 - Lost World



So I said to myself, I'd like to have the last Game Gear game ever made. Well, the last one in the Game Gear era. I have Super Battletank, but I don't trust SegaAge saying it was released in 2001. But I got it anyway. So that meant getting Lost World. I found one with a case, probably overpaid, but not when you factor in the free shipping & case's value (Game Gear cases are getting more and more expensive along with the games themselves.) There's probably a whole bunch of games I could get rid of, like my TurboGrafx-16 console and games. I never play them, and the system is really expensive to collect for, so I stopped. But, anyway, the Game Gear is small, and so are the games, and it's a portable system, and it's in color and better yet, I programmed two games for it. And I have an Everdrive for it, so I guess I don't really need to collect for it, but there's no fun any more hunting for deals on eBay. That's why I collect Game Gear games: the joy of finding the actual physical cartridge and not just some computer file. Speaking of that, I should probably program something for it so I don't forget how. I would like to make a title screen for a game made after 1997 for the Game Gear to start with. Any requests? For example, I tried to program a title screen for Zoop for the NES. It didn't go very well. Can't do that for the Game Gear, as there's already a Zoop for GG.


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