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I worked all night last night working on the stupid game's collision detection for walls before I gave up and went to sleep at 5am. I woke up at 3pm or so and began work again on it. I think I got it now so Puck-Man does not get trapped in the walls. Programming Action 54 is taking a toll on my sleep pattern, it's like it should be easy, but then ends up being ultra hard to do. I thought of the game at 8pm last night and I thought, "I'll program the walls and Puck-Man and then go to sleep." But even that proved hard as I needed to get the walls just right so there's only ONE 8x8 block. Apparently, VB graphics are stored as blocks of 8 pixels by 8 pixels. Everything you see on the VB is made up of little 8x8 blocks. Even blackness. There are three shades of colors on the Virtual Boy. One can do a pattern blend to fake a different shade (like I did in Cartful Dodger). Of course, black is always an option since that's what you see when the VB is turned off. What is Puck-Man doing? He's collecting fruit that goes at "random" directions and avoiding monsters (ghosts?) that also move in "random" directions. But since none of that is programmed in yet, all the game looks like so far is this:
Puck-Man can move wherever he wants, just as long as there's no block impeding his path. I haven't even made the exits functional yet, so Puck-Man can go off the screen. But I've decided to only release ROMs to ask for feedback when I think a game needs any. Apparently there are people who decide they need every single ROM ever made, even ROMs of unfinished games. Like the ones I posted working on Insecticide. There must be at least a couple hundred of them before I finished work on it. Me? I think it's unnecessary to collect ROMs of unfinished games. But that's just me.


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