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i is for i'm back working on this.



Just to see if I could, I played some "Lowercase i" on O2EM. My O2EM runs weird on Windows 10. It keeps saying it won't run and tries to find a problem. It does that 2 times before it finally works usually on the 3rd try. I found a bug. Oh no. Work time. A few hours later, I fixed the stupid bug. Found another bug in the process and fixed that one as well. Just when I thought I was wanting to give up programming for good. I was having trouble with VB programming. A problem occurs on real hardware for game #4 and not on Mednafen. But at least I fixed the Odyssey 2 bugs. I went to sleep at 4am and woke up at 7pm. I don't know why but I've been sleeping more and more. Sleeping 15 hours probably isn't good for you. And it's hot in here and it's 10:30pm. it's been a while since I plugged the Odyssey 2 in and played it, even if it was just to test a game I was making. The last time I worked on Lowercase i was July 21. I'd work on it more but I have no ideas.


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