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Game gear & programming it.



So I figured I might as well finish Mr. Ultra 2 for the Game Gear before I quit completely. In yesterday's blog I noted that I am going to stop programming. But I already have the engine worked out on Mr. Ultra 2 so I might as well just finish it up. Even then, I'm just at 26% space left on it. I think I can squeeze out 7 levels and an ending, though. I designed level 4. It was playtesting level 4 that I figured out the problem I was having all along: The background does not reset when you die. I think the programming the pauses between enemies was a good thing, though, but I told you I was stupid because I hadn't noticed it all this time that it was happening. Or not very observant. One or the other. Or a little of both. Because I kept wondering why the lives counter wasn't showing up. The answer was because it was the same color as the background of level 4. Duh. Also, Mr. Ultra's pants weren't very visible. So the solution was to darken the water (it's an underwater world.) Once I get the stupid background problem figured out, I'll test it on real hardware. And if needed, change the water color some more. I was thinking since it's in water that I should use the watercress as an enemy, but how in the world would I draw it? I'll try. And would people recognize it as such? I woke up at 5am and it's 7am and my brain already has thought too much.


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