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Cranberry Capers



So it's a boring Sunday morning. Late morning. About 11 or so. After taking the dog out side I got bored. So I decided to see if I could make the Virtual Boy game I stopped working on work. Last time we left it, it had a bug that showed up on real hardware that made the cranberry get stuck in the walls. Unfortunately, this bug did not show up on Mednafen. I tried something different. Instead of combining the up/down movements as one variable (called ud), I decided to separate them into two. Somehow, when I did this and decided when to allow the game to move up or down (the value is 1 when it can move, and 0 when it can't), it suddenly worked. But I tested the left/right movements. It had the same problem as the up/down movements, even when I separated the lr variable into left and right. After a bit of tinkering with whether or not to allow it to move left or right (which took 2 extra variable checks), I think I have fixed the problem. Now the next time I work on this, (unless someone finds a bug), I can work on actual gameplay of this game. The object of the game is to get as much fruit as possible in the maze without getting touched by the monsters that are also in the maze. It's a lot like KC Munchkin for the Odyssey 2, in that the dots (stuff to eat) move. But they will move faster than they do in KC Munchkin. And so will the monsters. Someone was kind enough to design the other fruit to use in the game, one of the driving factors that led me to actually attempt to finish this minigame. (Cranberry Capers is in Action 54, my Aciton 52-like game for VB.) It was originally going to be Puck-Man, and I called it such in a previous blog entry, but I decided to change it. Here is a picture of the Cranberry Capers maze. I put the fruit at the top just for now and the fruit changes just so I can see what it will look like in the game. Mom is gone, she and my sister's family went to the Oregon Garden. It's this big garden. Something I would not be interested in. So I'm here alone with my dog in the corner sleeping. My cat is in the cupboard in the hall, sleeping as well. We have to keep the door open for her in case she decides to jump in there and sleep.


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