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Goofing around in INTYbasic.



I hate going to bed. I was about to go to bed, until I realized that in order to go to bed, I have to take my pill. Since I haven't done that yet, I decided to stay up. I worked on a thing to record and put in my show I make of weird stuff. I begun work on season 2. In season 1, I made stuff in the Atari 2600 and Odyssey 2 for the show, so I decided since I have INTYBasic on my new computer that I should do something for the show involving it. I took the song that was playing currently on my computer (a composition I made called "It's Cold and there's Ants Everywhere.") INTYified it. I took a picture of a lemon and about 1/2 hour of fiddling with it, made it so it works using INTYColor. The music sounds straight out of a sci-fi movie (perhaps I feel that way because I was watching a MST3k Gamera episode earlier). But whatever. So I made this. In the words of one Joel Robinson, "What do you think, sirs?"


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