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People like boxes



The Odyssey game I've been working on may come with a box. I just e-mailed the guy who is going to publish Insecticide for the Virtual Boy (a game I made), and asked him if he could print out boxes for "another game" I was making. If he agrees to do it, the box would be the size of an NES box. I doubt I could fit the overlay in a Game Boy sized box. But even for the NES box, I'd have to fold the overlay instead of rolling it up like usual Odyssey games in order for it to fit. Or I guess another option would be to trim the overlay, but I don't know what to do. I think folding would be the best option here. Why a box? People like boxes. I've had a few people not buy my Odyssey games because it didn't come with its own box. The first run will be 10 copies. If demands for a second run are necessary, I'll do one later. Also, a box would delay the game a lot since the boxes would have to be made and mailed to me. And then winter. We've been lucky (?) the past few years with no snow, so if it continues this way, I could mail them in the winter. If there's a ton of snow and/or ice and I'm stuck here, that would delay the game, too. But I'm hoping for a target date for all this of Spring 2017. A little 45th anniversary present to the Odyssey. I got a copy of Odball from the guy who I bought my Odyssey from. Who made the cart #11? I thought there was already a cart #11. I thought carts 8-12 were for the gun accessory. Oh well. And I celebrated my birthday yesterday, although I've saved presents to open on my actual birthday (Wednesday). I got Ancient Aleins DVDs and a few pumpkins for my collection. I always get a little sad when November 1 rolls around and it's another 364 more days until Halloween. I'm also a little sad that we don't get trick or treaters here any more. We live with a bunch of geezers apparently.


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