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Look, Mom! Another blog post!



I'm probably one of the worst bloggers in the world, just because of how sporadic my posts are. I think I've started and abandoned a record number of blogs over the years. Let's see....LiveJournal, WordPress, Blogger...and of course, this one. I think I should win a prize for this.

Maybe it's because my current job now is as a writer. So, writing during my free time isn't exactly something I want to do after spending hours writing for work. Or it could just be that I'm lazy. Maybe both. Anyways, enough rambling for now.

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Everyone has blogs, it has gotten to the point where people have too little time to read other peoples blogs because they are too busy blogging. My viewage count since 2013 WAY WAY WAY Down.... It doesn't help that search engines keep changing their algorithm to make it nearly impossible to find anything but the same exact thing over and over again, and the constant changing of "SEO" which is on a pay to win model in the current state. Nevermind social media integration and mobile optimization(also keeps changing FYI).

Never mind the advertising monitzation programs taking advantage of websites, and starving bloggers due to need for mass popularity improvement all of the time in order to even make a few bucks a month if that. Google adsense being the worst.

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