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Sauron's ramblings

Entries in this blog

Very Curious Stuff

Yes, that blog title is hinting at the subject of this post. Care to take a guess? Ok, yes, it was obvious to anyone with half a functioning brain that I'm referring to the Atari VCS, of which I am now a proud and unworthy user. As you can see by my thread in the VCS forum, I purchased this last December when Atari had a big sale going on, but didn't hook it up then because I simply didn't have room to do so. Fast forward about 9 months or so, and the recent news about Atari purchasing this very


Sauron in Atari VCS

The Emulator Zone, Part II

Ok, so this time it was only 3 years since my last blog post. Bleh. Anyway, I've been back in the US since about a month after my last blog post, so that makes a little over 3 years.    Anyway, here's a follow-up on my last post. Last time I lamented the fact that Virtual Jaguar still wasn't a fully compatible emulator. That much remains true, as I believe it hasn't even been updated since well before that post. However, there's a nifty little emulator called BigPEmu which has since co


Sauron in Emulation

The Emulator Zone

Yes, here is another short blog post after years of neglect. Where have I seen this before? Nevermind. Due to having to stay indoors much more recently due to COVID-19, I'm finding myself with a bit more time to spend gaming. Which is actually pretty nice, after all. Not that I haven't done much of it recently, but it's nice to get back to doing more of something that you enjoy doing. Given that I'm long separated from most of the gaming hardware that I own, I'm having to rely on emulators for a



Look, Mom! Another blog post!

I'm probably one of the worst bloggers in the world, just because of how sporadic my posts are. I think I've started and abandoned a record number of blogs over the years. Let's see....LiveJournal, WordPress, Blogger...and of course, this one. I think I should win a prize for this. Maybe it's because my current job now is as a writer. So, writing during my free time isn't exactly something I want to do after spending hours writing for work. Or it could just be that I'm lazy. Maybe both. Anyway



Wait, I have a blog?

Somehow, the little "blog" box caught my eye a little while ago, and I started clicking through it, only to discover that I actually have a blog here too! How did that happen? Oh wait, now I remember...I started this thing years ago. See, that's what happens when you go almost half a decade without using it. You kinda forget that you have it. So, what should I say here? How about a bit of a personal update, explaining some reasons why I haven't updated this thing. You see, about 3 years and 4



Writing. And More Writing.

Can't believe it's been well over a year since my last blog post on here, and that was a repost from another blog....   Anyways, I've been doing lots of writing lately. Lots and lots and lots of writing. Unfortunately, almost none of it is related to what I want to be writing, although I can't say I haven't enjoyed it. I'm currently taking English Comp 101, and I'm taking the condensed 8 week course, so my off time has largely been spent on writing. And then writing some more. Perhaps soon I'l



My First eBook – The Queen and the Castle

This is a repost of my new blog at my main blog site - Stuff and Things   I’ve been on a bit of an ebook rampage as of late. I can’t really explain why, to be honest. Maybe it’s because ebooks involve two things that I absolutely love – reading and technology. I’ve been using ereader software on my iPhone for quite a while now, but to tell the truth, I don’t do much heavy reading on it. Lately though, I’ve been looking long and hard at e-ink devices, as I think they’re just now really hitting



I <3 DropBox

This isn't really one of my typical blogs, per se, but just wanted to gush about my infinite love for Dropbox. You see, Dropbox is truly the one love of my life. I love how it's there for me no matter where I go. I will be on the computer, at work, out at the store, running errands, hanging out with friends, or just lounging on the couch watching a movie, and Dropbox is always by my side. Dropbox is always there for me in my time of need, no matter the circumstances. We are simply too attached t



Plotting My Downfall

Yes, I'm plotting my own "downfall", which has been happening these last couple of weeks, and it's now culminating into a furious explosion.   You see, there's this little thing that I was kinda involved in lately, a small game for the Atari Jaguar called Downfall. It's a nifty little game, really. I suggest that you check it out if you're interested in small games for obscure consoles. Who knows, maybe you'll see your name somewhere in the greetings?



The Jaguar Community

Nothing new for me to really add in here other than I've been playing quite a bit of the Jaguar the last few weeks, between game testing and competing in the Jaguar HSC comp. Zool 2 in particular has been grabbing much of my attention this last week. I can't say it's a great game, but it's one of the more decent games in the Jag's library. Of course, I've already stated all of this in the forums.   However, there's something more interesting going on right now. I won't go into a long diatribe



Rebooting the Jaguar

It's been a few months since my last blog entry, and for good reason. Various things in my life had taken away a lot of the time I had to devote to this hobby, including relocating to another state (AGAIN). However, recent events combined with having a little more of a stable life now is allowing me to resume full force.   So what exactly am I up to? If I told you, I'd have to kill you all. Considering that I have neither the means nor the desire to do such a thing, let's just say that I'm go




Once upon a time, there was a game for the Atari ST computer called Superfly. A fairly young man named Sauron chanced upon it after seeing mentions of it on Atari ST-related websites, and he saw that it was good.   This young man spent many an hour maneuvering various vehicles through caverns of rock, clouds, asteroids, and moon tunnels, and even managed to maneuver a flying teapot through something or other. He spent many an hour engrossed with this extremely simple yet ultimately challenging




I've been living in my new apartment for a week now, and have been spending some time playing with emulators, as I mentioned I would in my last blog. I've played on ProSystem a bit, but I've mostly been spending my time in Project Tempest.   For those who don't know, Project Tempest is an Atari Jaguar emulator that is actually focused on playing Tempest 2000. Despite this focus on one game, though, it does play a fair amount of other games. Of course, by a "fair amount" of games, I mean that i




I'm finally moved into my new apartment. Sorta. Due to a couple of fairly big snafus, I'm only in here with the very bare necessities, and the rest of my stuff is still in storage. It's going to be another couple of weeks before I can move everything into here. Due to my previous blog post complete with pseudo-messianic overtones, I'll have to say I'm not yet fully resurrected. Right now I'm more in a state of being undead, waiting for that magic sprinkle of holy water to finish reviving me comp




I could say I'll be dead tomorrow and Thursday, and then resurrect from the dead on Friday, but there's two problems with that. First, my name is not Jesus F. Christ, and second, I'm not actually going to die. The truth is, I've been dead in a way for the last year and a half, and in three days time I will in a sense resurrect my life from the dead. Or at least that's how it's felt, since I've been living as a transient since about May of 2009.   In the context of this blog, though, there's so



Some things just take too long...

Such as updating a blog, for instance. I started this thing a few years back, and then promptly forgot about it, having retained my blog on Livejournal and then later moving it over to Myspace. Even the Myspace blog has been neglected for quite a while, due to me never going to that site anymore. So where does that leave me? It's left me blogless for the last year or so.   I think it's time to revive this mofo. My life has taken a few interesting twists and turns in the last several years, bu




After taking a few years off from the "collecting" scene due to various personal issues and conflicts, I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things. About a year and a half ago, I sold off a sizable portion of my collection, but held on to most of my Atari items. I haven't had anything near a complete collection for anything, except for the Nuon. Kinda funny, as I sold off all of my Nuon games.   Anyways, I'm jumping back into collecting, but this time keeping things strictly Ata




Amazing, I've managed to neglect this blog for over a year and a half. That's mainly because I do most of my blogging on Myspace now, but unfortunately that site is blocked at work. So, what should I blog about? Beats the hell out of me. Just keep your eyes on the new, upcoming AtariUser website that I'm putting together. Right now it's nothing more than a severely screwed up and unreadable page due to my disasterous skills with Dreamweaver, but I think I'm going to make it my own pet project of



I forgot about this thing

There I go, forgetting all about my blog and not making any updates in quite a long time. Not that there has been much to write, though. I've been quite busy at work for the last month, thanks in large part to Guild Wars. The little time I've had off, I've mostly spent playing it. Guild Wars completely took me by surprise. I played it during the first E34E event, and during every single beta weekend event afterwards. While the game definitely showed some potential, I found it hard to get into it



The Vinyl Revolution

My turntable found its way to my apartment today. As soon as I got it, I opened it up, assembled it, and spun Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell" album. I immediately remembered the differences between analog and digital music. Off of vinyl, the music sounds richer, with more vibrancy and more detail. The drawbacks (the static and pop of the dust) were minimal on this particular record, due to it being almost brand new. Just to see if this was a fluke, I then put on Led Zeppelin III, which has see



Random Crap

- Working at a game company is fun. Except when you actually have to work.- It is entirely possible to eat one type of food constantly and not ever get sick of it.- It is impossible to eat any type of candy constantly and not get sick from it.- I find it funny how people have managed to hate Star Wars Episodes I and II and will still line up for days to see Episode III.- Drinking lots of water is better than drinking lots of soda.- I have a knack for stating the obvious (see above).



Something I wrote....

I wrote this back in October, and thought it was pretty impressive, considering the source:Life is a bitch, and then you die. Someone once said that, paraphrasing a paraphrase and continuing the tumbling phenomena known as unoriginality. Despite the saying's dubious origins, an element of truth is contained within. Life truly does suck. Or at least many of the long tedious roads travelled leave that as a permanent etching onto the soul known as my existence. People come, money goes, times get ha




Blogs are the billboards of people's lives. I'm going to give this whole blogging thing a shot, just to see where it leads. Perhaps it will help give me a kickstart back into writing, a passion of mine which tends to get pushed to the side more often than not.



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