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2016 is ending great.



Today is December 14. Things are looking good today. Apparently it is supposed to snow today. They're expecting 1-3 inches today, but I'll believe it when I see it. But even if it doesn't snow, I'll still be happy. I just ordered High Seize for the N-Gage. It's brand new. Brand new and will probably stay that way. I spent a ton of money, but it was under $100. Probably the most I've spent for a single game. And apparently it's supposed to come next Wednesday. It's my greatest present I ever got myself. I still doubt it's possible for me to afford Sega Rally though. But I'll stop collecting for the N-Gage even if I don't have it. So anyway, yeah, I was pretty surprised when I decided to go on eBay searching for N-Gage games and I actually found one I could afford that I didn't have. I think I'll sell some stuff I don't play any more to make up for it. After Christmas, of course.


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