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Fighting Day



I've been struggling for the past hour or so to work on my upcoming ActionMax game. Pinnacle Studios 19, which is the program I'm using on my Windows 10 computer, is slower than molasses, especially when it comes to working on this particular project. I don't recall running into much stupidity with my old computer and Pinnacle Studios 17 or whatever I had on it while making Bubba's Buck Blastin'. I had found the intro footage I had taped from an ActionMax game that I put onto DVD. So I decided to put some of it in the introduction like I did last time. This time, though, I decided to put in the few seconds of the ActionMax logo flying at you part. The black circle wasn't matching until I had the bright idea to overlay the black corner circle on the ActionMax footage. What you see in this game are two things: The circle in the corner and the snowman, both flashing per frame, 30 fps. In Bubba's Buck Blastin', I had the deer pic AND a flashing circle. This time, I had the clever idea to combine the snowman and his circle into one picture. I made two pictures of the snowman, one with a black stomach, the other white, and corresponding it to the flashing circle in the corner (for an "enemy hit".) I make the flashing part about one second long, so it consists of about 30 frames. I'm guessing that's what's causing the program to slow down, it must take some time to process each change I make to the movie? I don't know. But you'd think a 6 month old computer could handle being fast and not be ridiculously slow. Anyway, the whole movie is about 13 minutes long. It's a little shorter than Bubba's Buck Blastin'. But I'm now at the three minute mark, which means I'm about 20% or so done (and ten more minutes left to go.) Slow progress, but if I work on say, a minute or two every week, I will get it finished in time for May with weeks left to spare. And once I get it done, I will offer it for sale like I did BBB. Probably about $10. I don't know yet. I want it to be affordable and not outlandishly expensive for a 30-year-old "gaming" system that wasn't very popular to begin with.


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