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Celery work.



Today I noticed a bug in the Celery game: The game went crazy upon ending stage 2 and didn't let you go on to stage 3. I found the problem: One of the gotos was in the wrong bank. So I fixed it. I also had another idea for yet another Boggle puzzle. This time it was breakfast foods. I don't know why I thought of it, but I did. I had 7 of them in one puzzle and two spaces left. I needed one more word for 8. Then I noticed the C and O, and the B i just moved when it came to me: Bacon. I rearranged some letters a little more and then I had a total of 8 breakfast foods. I even thought of two more I didn't use: Hash browns, and waffle. At first, I was just going to put in Eggs, but I saw the S, C, R, and A, and then thought "Why not make it Scrambled eggs?" So I did. I also put a new Boggle puzzle on the site, one I did about three weeks ago about flowers. I'm going to put it here so I don't have to link to my site. In case you want the answers, I'll give them out. But I'm really now on a roll with this Boggle Puzzle making hobby I started. I now have 12 done. Perhaps I'll take a break from it for a while and come back to it. I need to think up of a stage 7 for the Celery game. I also have this odd habit of getting 14 hours of sleep every day. I know it's too much, but it feels like I need to, so I do. Like if I wasn't sleepy, I'd get up, but I still am. I go to sleep a little after 10pm and wake up at noon. Perhaps if I stayed up later and got up at noon I would get less sleep. Perhaps I should try that.


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