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Giving up on Game Gear oranges.



I decided that after I could not get the collision detection working for Oranges Game Gear version, I decided to just give up. I tried lots of stuff and nothing works. It says there's a collision when there really isn't one. So I ditched that attempt and tried to program a collision detection routine of my own, but that failed too. Makes one wonder why I actually finished the Game Boy one. I'm guessing it's mostly because Game Boy uses C while Game Gear uses assembly. I don't understand assembly. I finish games using it and I still don't understand it. On the other hand, I understand C and BASIC. I guess you have to be really smart to understand assembly. But the odd thing is I do quite well using the Odyssey 2 assembly. I made an Oranges game for the Odyssey 2. It was going to be released last month but it's been delayed. This Odyssey 2 version is a little different than the other versions. And what's more, it's done. I need to go right now and eat my dinner.

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I've never tried it, but there is a devkitSMS that goes with the SDCC compiler and that would allow you to use C to make games for the Master System, Game Gear or SG-1000.



Perhaps though your problems with collision detection would not be solved even by changing programming language, plus that your hand written assembly language code will likely run faster than the compiled code.

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I don't know anything about Game Gear or assembly, so my response may not be applicable, but couldn't you write a routine with a condition that checks whether an object is within vicinity of another... ie (for 8x8 sprite with a bit labelled "collision")


if player0x<=player1x+8 && player0x>=player1x-8 && if player0y<=player1y+8 && player0y>=player1y-8 then collision=1 else collision=0


I haven't yet taken the time to get hardware collision working in bB and this is the sort of thing I have used. :P :)

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@mojofltr - that's what I tried to do in assembly, although I couldn't get it working very well, especially from behind the player.

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