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The Odyssey 2 with a mouse.



So I was sick of Super Giuseppe. I thought to myself "Can I do anything simpler?" Then I thought "The Odyssey 2 needs more puzzle games." Then I thought to myself "What about Smiley, that game I tried to program but was unable to make any difficult boards for?" Then I thought "Man, that's kind of similar to Chu Chu Rocket." A new game idea is born. I'll make a version of Chu Chu Rocket for the Odyssey 2.

My version is called "Mouse In the House." Right now it's just a mouse going around a simple maze, similar to Chu Chu Rocket. It took a long time to make the ears just right. Though they have to float above the head since the body and ears are separate characters and characters can't overlap each other. Think of an Odyssey 2 "Character" much like an ASCII character. Though the Odyssey 2 only has 63 of them (64 if you count the blank character.) And they're 8x8. And apparently any unused portion of an 8x8 character is still considered part of the character. But anyway, I got the ears to point in the direction the mouse is going.

Sprite 0 will be the cat. Sprites 1 and 2 will be the tiles with arrows, and sprite 3 will be the rocket (goal). Although I could make more mice, I have often wondered to myself why the makers of Chu Chu Rocket decided to put more than one mouse in the mazes. 1 seems enough.

So anyway, I had a version last night, but that version only had ears pointing one way. This newer one you can actually tell which direction the mouse is going. The reason why though the mouse's ear gap size changes is because when he's moving left and right, the ear character is a semicolon, while up and down it's actually the bottom part of an H (You can "cut" the top part of characters off.) I used that since it's the closest thing to a semicolon the 63 character set has that I could use. So anyway, that's what I'm doing.

Ants for the Jaguar is stalled because I'm still trying to figure out the Zeroplayer thing. Cyrano suggested I switch to it, but I don't know how to use it.

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