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So I spent probably all of yesterday trying to make the arrows work (well, I slept for half the day.) By the evening, I had it partially working when I noticed I had confused the variables for the mouse's ears and body. And then another breakthrough was when I discovered my math wasn't correct in one place. So I finally called it quits at 12:30am and went to bed. Didn't get to sleep until 1am.

Woke up at 8am when I got a text. So I decided that since normal people only sleep 7 hours, that I should probably get up. Man I'm sleepy. Went back to work on the arrow problem. I think I finally got it done and the way I want it. But we shall see later in the game when I try to add different arrows that go different directions. And I need to put the goal in. But since I had a nervous breakdown trying to have the arrow be functional yesterday, I think I'll take a break from this game and work on it tomorrow.

Thought the D in the maze looked like a B, so I changed it. The wall lines now should read "ODYSSEY 2", a tribute to a level in the versions of the Dreamcast and GBA versions of Chu Chu Rocket where the walls are shaped like letters of the console you're playing it on.


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