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Level 1 completed



Well, last night, I put in collision detection for the cat and goal. I'll probably break the game many times between now and when it's finished because of stupid page limitations. What I am going to do is put all the data information for level setup in the first bank. But since there's other stuff in the first bank, like collision detection routines, I'll probably push some stuff out of their places and into places that the game doesn't work. So then I'll have to do more code adjusting to make it work again. But anyway, level 1 is completed. But what is probably going to be the biggest challenge besides code adjusting is going to be designing levels. Right now, sprite 0 is the cat, sprite 1 is the arrow, and sprite 3 is the goal. Sprite 2 can be used as another arrow if needed. I also made a website for the game a few days ago and started a thread in the Odyssey 2 section of AtariAge.


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