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eBay fun



I lost an auction for Metroid II for Game Boy where the winning bid was $13 or so + $3 shipping. I didn't want to pay that much. Yeah, I'm a cheapskate. I waited until the last minute to bid on a game that nobody else wanted to save $3.50. I paid $5.49 instead of the "buy it now" price of $8.99. The game: Rocky and Bullwinkle. I figured it'd go well with my Felix the Cat and Yogi Bear games. What I'm wondering is why some games are more expensive than others.

I mean, Game Boy games are all the same when you get right down to it: A program put on a chip in a plastic shell. Yet if you give the game a name with "Mario" in it, it suddenly becomes super expensive? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, there are some games that are rare, but there should be enough copies on eBay that they really aren't all THAT rare. Every time I go on eBay and look for Game Boy games, I always see a copy of Trip World for $400 and wonder why.


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