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So yesterday I was up until 9:45pm or so trying to get channel 3 to make a buzz sound whenever an item was picked up. I thought I was doing everything right, but it kept making a buzzing sound until the song relooped. As it turned out, my buzzing timer was set to go off wrong. Who would have thought that? Not me. So I got that done. But now what do I do? I am waiting for some guy who offered to make some bgm for the ingame song using just 2 channels. But what do I do in the meantime?

I really can't think of anything I can do. I just put the game on the SMS Power! forums. Went to sleep at about midnight. Woke up and 8:45am or so. Went to the doctor with mom. As it turned out, my sister had got me that new Beck CD and made some hamburgers. So when we picked up Mom's prescription, I got an onion and mayo to eat with my birthday burgers, as well as some more food. Mom's new drug is supposed to help her sleep and eat. The key words are "supposed to." She said she only slept for 3 hours last night.

I guess I might as well post the Oranges game build here even though you probably don't have a Game Gear emulator. I suggest Emulicious. Press start to start the game, the d pad to move Bob around and start in game to pause. I put in a pause function. Yay. When this game is finished, I would like to have it get published, but I don't know who can or if I can. Does anyone do Game Gear repros? I would love a Mega Man repro since they're usually over $100 on eBay for some reason.


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