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Counting Down



So I finally did two things that I wanted to do to my game. First up, I increased the size of the hit detection for the tomato. This took a lot of attempts to do, getting the code just right so it would do it. Second, with help from e5frog, I made the timer start at 99 and count downwards instead of it starting at 00 and counting upwards, I don't know why but the way I did it is when the timer reaches 8F, then I force it from 8F to 89. The previous way I didn't have to do that. How odd.

e5frog said he'd test the game on a real Channel F, so I'm anxious to see how it plays on it. I've just been using MESS all this time. So now I don't know what to do with it. He suggested adding sound, but I don't know how that would be heard since I've never heard the Channel F make sound before. And apparently I need to be rich to get the later releases for it. Alien Invasion is >$100 on eBay all the time. Wow. I think I'll be sticking with MESS for them.

I did something I hate doing. I went to an emulation ROM site to get all the Channel F ROMs. Those sites are full of ads and popup ads and they try to trick you into clicking on something you don't want. It's just horrible. Why do they have to be such jerks about it?

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While you wouldn't be able to run your own code, if you get a multicart from e5frog at least you'll get all existing software on one cartridge. As for the ROM sites, I suppose they live on advertising and possibly worse acts which is why they want you to click where you shouldn't click.

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