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Drawing, a blank



One of the things I do to pass all my free time (those annoying hours I'm not sleeping), is to draw comic strips. The fact that I can't draw hasn't been stopping me. Another thing that hasn't been stopping me is the fact that even though I have been drawing for most of my life I haven't gotten any better at it. I might as well just be drawing stick figures. So anyway, even though you probably don't read them, here is the process I go through to create these "works of art." </sarcasm>

First up, an idea. I found that six of these fit on your average 8.5x11 piece of paper. A week's worth (minus Sunday.) So I sit there struggling for an idea when finally one hits. Usually they're just lame puns. Like this one. This is a special one, so it takes up the whole page. So I drew it. My result of drawing is this.
But wait, even though I've drawn it and scanned it, there's more work to be done. After all, we want our crap to be pretty. Next up I open Photoshop and turn all the shades of gray to black. And all the very light shades of gray turn white. And then I color it using the paint bucket tool. I try to be realistic with my coloring. One of the things that "The Simpsons" did in their early seasons was make a cat purple. This was the genesis for this particular comic strip series. I thought a purple cat was funny (even though they didn't), so I made cartoons about one. So after getting rid of every pixel of black my old scanner makes, after converting and putting color in, this is the result:
Then I go to the ftp server and put it in and queue it. This particular one, named 20180212.png, will come up on February 12. I don't know how it does it, it just does it. Although if the host closes, I'll be SOL. I guess I can just put it on my website. I've found png files are the best for my type of work since jpg is lossy and blurry (as you can see from the first pic. Unfortunately, it's what the scanner's choice of format to scan to. I can't change it.) Fortunately, I can change it. And make it somewhat what was in my mind.
I've been doing a daily comic called "47 Meatballs," but I think I'll just give it a rest and just do weekly ones of the purple cat for a little while.


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