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Super Mario Bros. comics



I was looking at my Super Mario Bros. themed wall calendar. May is an image from level 4-1. (Am I a geek for knowing which level that's in or what? It doesn't say.) Then I remembered something: I had a comic I used to make about Super Mario Bros. using actual screenshots from an emulator. So I got the ROM, downloaded an emulator and went to work. These are what I came up with.

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As you might expect, I now have made 42 SMB comics. I have a special Christmas 2018-themed idea I'm going to do come Christmas. You can see all the other 40 on my newly rebooted Super Mario Bros. page. here: http://www.atari2600land.com/smb1/ It's my SMB shrine. Why? I think it's the first video game I ever played. I just saw a picture of Christmas 1990 (I had just turned 8) of my sister holding an NES box. I wonder what my parents thought when come next year they had to get the new SNES.


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