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In the city.



So my package is actually in the city where I am now. I don't know why it lingered in San Francisco for 3 days, though. I hope to have the stupid package on Tuesday. If so, it took 2 weeks to get here from Germany even though it was only supposed to take 1. And I'll finally figure out why it was in California in the first place. I worked on the Game Gear game about hamburgers. That didn't go very well. I think I'll give up on it. It's doing weird stuff it's not supposed to be doing. I worked on it all freaking day and it kept on doing stupid stuff.

So I guess now I can devote all my time to Pokemon Party Mini 2 now. No more programming today though, I'm worn out. I guess I'll stay up and watch the Rockets lose tonight. And MST3k is not on Comet tomorrow. I think they may have killed it. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. And I haven't been watching it anyway because I've been sleeping.

Happy memorial weekend to all the US AtariAge members. I am going to celebrate by doing absolutely nothing special. Except maybe watch that car race.


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